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How do you whiten your teeth permanently?

Marina Rubinshtein

Aesthetic & Restorative Dentist

To keep your teeth permanently white you need to follow a very diligent oral care routine, including brushing, flossing, rinsing, and regularly visiting the dentist for cleaning and whitening.

Teeth whitening procedures are best performed by a dental professional, and as teeth tend to become darker as time passes, touch-up treatments are needed occasionally to keep the teeth lightened.

Our teeth get yellow or discolored for two reasons:

As we age our enamel gets thinner due toabrasives in toothpastes, hard teeth brushing as well as acid either from diet or from an acid-reflux condition.As we age the enamel develops micro cracksand picks up stains from the things that we eat and drink like coffee, tea, wine, or some fruit, etc.

There are a number of options for keeping your teeth white:

In-Chair Whitening - You can make your teeth shades whiter in a day by having an in-chair procedure done at the dentist. Using a procedure such as the Zoom! In-Office Whitening procedure, which is safe, effective and very fast, the dentist can get your teeth to be dramatically whiter in just over an hour.Tray Whitening - Tray whitening is a take-home whitening procedure supervised by your dentist. The whitening is accomplished via a tray that you wear at night or for a prescribed amount of time by your dentist. The drawback is that this procedure takes longer, but the upside is that if you’re looking for a more gradual, controlled change in shade of your teeth, you can have that with the tray procedure.Whitening Strips - Whitening strips are thin pieces of flexible plastic that are coated in peroxide. These can be bought at almost any pharmacy or supermarket. The length of this treatment is similar to that of the whitening trays, but it is an entirely DIY treatment without professional supervision and the results typically last around four months.Toothpaste - Using an enamel building toothpaste can help remineralize the teeth, and help seal the micro-cracks in your teeth which tend to pick up stains. With consistent use of a specially prescribed toothpaste you can defend the teeth against cavities and protect enamel from further damage, thereby staving off stains.Treatment Paste - Another paste which you can get from the dentist called MI Paste which is applied to your teeth after brushing in order to keep them strong. This paste provides enamel support and can help to remineralize teeth to reduce potential for tiny cracks that can harbor stains

For more details on the teeth whitening options above check out our post on Medium:5 Teeth Whitening Options for Adults – Forever Young

For more information about dentistry you can visit our website New York Cosmetic Dentists or you can visit Rank My Dentist to research the knowledge base.

Hena Rouo

Works with Aurweda

15w ago

Permanent things comes only when you do it regularly with natural remedies. Don’t be surprised, Yes it does whiten your teeth, just think of how ancient people were able to teeth whitening at home.

Yes! A set of glistening white teeth is possible with your household products.

Home remedies for yellow teeth

Baking Soda

Baking Soda or sodium bicarbonate is the common thing in the kitchen household. The commercial toothpaste has baking soda in them which reduces the yellowness of the teeth.

Oil application: The best oil to go with is Coconut oil as the other oils are not good to taste. The oil prepared from the coconut has lauric acid which aids to fight the bacteria causing bad breath and plaque.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Coffee and nicotine consumption causes staining and yellowing of the healthy teeth. Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, probiotics, enzymes, potassium, magnesium, and other necessary ingredients that aid in cleaning the teeth and killing the harmful bacteria in the oral cavity.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda:Hydrogen peroxide is known for its oxidizing property. As per the specialists, the volume of hydrogen peroxide must match with that of water.

Fruit peel

Use a banana or an orange peel and rub the teeth with the inner surface of the peels. The peels are good source of magnesium, potassium, and manganese that enrich the enamel.


Crunchy raw vegetables and fruits can also clean your teeth and whiten them properly. Go for carrots, guava, pears, apples, etc daily. The fruits and vegetables will impart an abrasive action on the teeth and whiten them eventually.

Basil leaves

Fresh basil leaves when crushed with orange peels to form a paste that can clear the yellowness of your teeth on regular application. Apply it with your finger and wash after 15 minutes with normal water.

Neem twigs

The green yet strong Neem twigs can be used to rub on the teeth gently. Brush your teeth with the chewed and softer side of the neem twigs to get a set of white teeth within a week.

Rea other 3 home remedies to Ways to Whiten Teeth

Jack Sparrow

Marketing at Definition Dental (2016-present)

16w ago

Most people wish they had a brighter, whiter, and more appealing smile. And while teeth whitening treatments and teeth whitening products have certainly made getting a whiter smile much more attainable than in years past, many patients have asked us if there’s any difference between at-home and a professional in-office tooth whitening procedure at our office.

The answer? It depends, though professional teeth whitening solutions are more effective than using the at-home tooth whitening products you may have at your disposal. Even the most common of at-home methods out there—chewing gum, toothpastes, mints, tray systems and whitening strip systems—have a limited whitening ability. Toothpastes that claim to whiten will be more effective than chewing gums, but they won’t be nearly as effective as you’d imagine. While tray systems and whitening strips are the most effective at-home teeth whitening treatments out on the market, they are still not nearly as effective as getting your pearly whites even whiter at our office.

Reference By: Definition Dental

Agkem Impex Pvt. Ltd.

Dental Clinical Equipment & Laboratory Equipment, Dental Products

16w ago

Try Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is a traditional Indian folk remedy meant to improve oral hygiene and remove toxins from the body.

The practice involves swishing oil around in your mouth to remove bacteria, which can turn into plaque and cause your teeth to look yellow [1]

Traditionally, Indians used sunflower or sesame oil for oil pulling, but any oil will work.

Coconut oil is a popular choice because it has a pleasant taste and offers many additionalhealth benefits.

Coconut oil is also high in lauric acid, which is known for its ability to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria

A few studies have shown that daily oil pulling effectively reduces bacteria in the mouth, along with plaque and gingivitis.

Streptococcus mutans is one of the primary types of bacteria in the mouth that cause plaque and gingivitis. One study found that daily swishing with sesame oil significantly reduced Streptococcus mutans in saliva in as little as one week .

Unfortunately, there are no scientific studies to prove that oil pulling whitens your teeth. However, it's a safe practice and definitely worth a try. Many people claim their teeth are whiter and brighter after regular oil pulling.

To oil pull, put 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth and push and pull the oil through your teeth. Coconut oil is solid at room temperature, so you may need to wait a few seconds for it to melt. Continue the oil pulling for a full 15–20 minutes.

Be sure to spit the coconut oil into a toilet or trash can, as it could return to solid form once in your drain pipes and cause a clog.

Unlike many other tooth whitening methods, coconut oil pulling does not expose your teeth to acid or other ingredients that erode the enamel. This means it is safe to do daily.


Noor Ullah Jan

Experience in Pharmaceutical and consumer care industry.

75w ago

Keeping teeth white naturally permanently needs regular practicing oral hygiene and teeth care. The major points in this regard are as follows,

· Regular use of toothpaste, use it regularly very particularly bonfire going to bed. The basic of getting most of the benefits out of tooth brushing is to select the right toothpaste for you. This easy, but should remember that not every toothpaste is suitable for everyone. Fluoride toothpaste is the most common type of toothpaste for keeping the teeth white, However, if your teeth are stained, sensitive or you have unhealthy gums, then select your toothpaste in light of these particulate conditions.

· Brush your teeth at the right way, American Dental Association recommendation for tooth brushing is that to keep a toothbrush at an age of 45, and move it in semi- circular way. Following this pattern, first brush your inside of teeth, then upper side and later the front side. Rinse your mouth well after tooth-brushing.

· Floss regularly, food debris that remains in our teeth causes infections, yellow teeth, and bad breath. To prevent these issues floss your teeth regularly.

· Adopt for teeth friendly life tips, following these will help you to maintain your teeth pearly white,

· Avoid/ cut back the intake of tea, coffee, tea and food items like blueberries, red wine, and red fruits.

· Take more water.

· Use teeth friendly fruits like strawberries, banana, grapes and apples. These foods naturally whiten your teeth.

· Drink lemon water at morning.

· Eat more citrus fruits and vitamin C containing foods.

· Get at least once a year checkup of your teeth from your Dentist.

Mourad Misbah

former Seller at Fiverr

14w ago

Teeth become less white over time as the mineral structure of your teeth changes and as your enamel becomes more porous. Teeth can also become discolored by smoking , coffee, red wine and even fluoride from tap water. If you're feeling self-conscious about your teeth, you can use a variety of methods to whiten teeth including whitening toothpaste, trays, strips and pens. If none of these methods work, then you can have your teeth whitened at the dentist's office.

Use whitening toothpaste if you're on a tight budget. A tube of whitening toothpaste typically costs less than $10 at the drugstore or local supermarket.

Look for a toothpaste with the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Approval. ADA-approved whitening toothpastes use abrasive particles to polish teeth along with chemicals that bind to stains and remove them. Studies have proven that these toothpastes are no harder on your enamel than other toothpastes.

Look for an ingredient called blue covarine in your whitening toothpaste. Blue covarine binds to your teeth and creates an optical illusion that makes them appear less yellow.

Brush twice per day. You should see some results within two to four weeks. For increased effectiveness, follow up with whitening mouthwash

Choose a kit that fits your budget. You can get store-bought kits for $20 to $50 at your drugstore or supermarket. Store-bought kits contain one-size-fits-all trays that you adjust to mold to your teeth.

Kits from your dentist's office may cost about $300. Your dentist will create trays that are created from custom molds of your teeth so the whitening gel spreads equally on the entire tooth surface.

How do you whiten your teeth permanently? How do you whiten your teeth permanently? Reviewed by Olamikzysblog on March 06, 2018 Rating: 5

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