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Things you need to know about Magic Leap's mysterious new headset that cost $1.9 billion and 6 years to create

Magic Leap wants to replace your smartphone, your TV, and your computer with its augmented reality system, Magic Leap One.

After six years of hype videos and nearly $2 billion in funding, the secretive Florida startup that's backed by the likes of Google and Alibaba finally unveiled its first product this week: Magic Leap One.

It looks nuts.

The Magic Leap One is an augmented reality system. (Magic Leap)

But, uh, what is it?

Magic Leap One is a futuristic-looking augmented reality headset that's powered by a small, circular computer that hooks onto your belt. All the stuff that your smartphone does? It does that stuff, but it does it within your field of view. Instead of looking at your phone for email, you can project your email right into the world in front of you (where only you can see it).

After this week's big unveiling, we learned a ton about what Magic Leap is making. Here's everything we know so far.

First things first: This is an example of augmented reality, powered by Magic Leap's new device.

First things first: This is an example of augmented reality, powered by Magic Leap's new device. (Magic Leap)

The idea is simple: Magic Leap intends to bring your online life into your real life.

In the image above, for instance, you can see a user scrolling through their Gmail account. In the lower right, you can see the time and date, and a battery meter for the headset.

Rather than looking down at your phone, or at your laptop (or whatever other computer device), you can straight up project that stuff into your field of view.

This entire setup — the glasses, and the circular thing on the left, and the controller on the right — is "Magic Leap One." It's an all-in-one augmented reality system.

This entire setup — the glasses, and the circular thing on the left, and the controller on the right — is "Magic Leap One." It's an all-in-one augmented reality system. (Magic Leap)

At some point in 2018, Magic Leap plans to release the Magic Leap One augmented reality system. There's no price yet, nor is there a more specific release window than the entire year of 2018. We don't even know the specs of this thing yet.

What we do know is this: Magic Leap One combines a headset with a computer and a controller to enable augmented reality.

Sounds similar to Microsoft's HoloLens headset, right? That's because it's very similar to Microsoft's HoloLens headset.

The headset is called "Lightwear."

The headset is called "Lightwear." (Magic Leap)

The Lightwear headset uses a mess of sensors and cameras to "see" the world around its user, thus enabling interaction with the augmented reality projected through the headset's lenses.

As the Magic Leap website says, the headset merges, "environment mapping, precision tracking and soundfield audio." What that means in practice is whatever you see in the world through the glasses can be interacted with.

For example:
Magic Leap (Magic Leap)

In the example above (from Magic Leap), a user has our solar system projected in the world in front of them. The glasses have sensors and cameras that see the user's hands interacting with the projection.

It's not actually clear if the Lightwear headset can track hands, but this example certainly gives that impression.

(Of note: Since the other user in this example isn't wearing a headset, she wouldn't be able to see what the user here is seeing. She'd just see a person wearing glasses while waving their hands in the air.)

This is the "Lightpack" computer that powers the Magic Leap One system.

This is the "Lightpack" computer that powers the Magic Leap One system. (Magic Leap)

Though the headset itself is likely to have some processing, the computer that powers the headset is actually separate. It's called the "Lightpack" and it can be clipped onto a pocket or belt, as seen above. Two wires lead out of the back of the headset, which combine into a single wire that plugs into the pack.

Again, we have no idea of the specs here — the computer is powerful enough to enable augmented reality, but that's all we know. Magic Leap vaguely says the computer is capable of, "high-powered processing and graphics."

The controller doesn't have a name. It's the main form of interaction with Magic Leap One's augmented reality.

The controller doesn't have a name. It's the main form of interaction with Magic Leap One's augmented reality. (Magic Leap)

It might look like one big button, but the large black circular area is actually a haptic touchpad. That means it's a touchpad (like the one on a laptop) and it gives feedback through vibration.

It may sound simple, but those two things — combined with the ability to click the button — enable a wide range of inputs. The Magic Leap One controller is similar to the HTC Vive controller in this way, although it has blessedly fewer buttons.

The light ring around the main button is likely to enable tracking, so the headset's sensors can "see" the controller. Additionally, the controller has motion tracking.

Magic Leap's calling its first launch, "Day One."

Magic Leap's calling its first launch, "Day One." (Magic Leap)

The room you see here is yet another example of how Magic Leap's AR system works. The chairs and table and shelving are all real things, in the real world, whereas the weather and planet and satellite are all being projected into the world (for the person using the headset, at least).

But Magic Leap has far more ambitious goals for its first headset.

This massive jumbotron being projected into the night sky above a group of cheering fans, for instance.

This massive jumbotron being projected into the night sky above a group of cheering fans, for instance. (Magic Leap)

Magic Leap envisions various instances of people using AR both by themselves and with others.

The unifying theme tying all of these examples together is that Magic Leap One will replace the screens in your life.

For instance, instead of gathering in a living room to watch a basketball game together, Magic Leap envisions people getting together outside and watching on a floating jumbotron in the sky.

A better example might be this solar system projected into the world — a much better way to explore a 3D image than seeing it on a flat screen.

A better example might be this solar system projected into the world — a much better way to explore a 3D image than seeing it on a flat screen. (Magic Leap)

Since you can walk around (and through) the image projected into the world in front of you, exploring 3D objects — like the solar system — is especially cool in augmented reality.

It's also easy to imagine using the Magic Leap One system to, say, watch TV on a massive screen. Like this:

Magic Leap One (Magic Leap)

Magic Leap offers this example on its website, which seems a lot more realistic (if hectic).

There are, of course, shopping applications. Imagine being able to see the bag you're about to buy, for instance:

There are, of course, shopping applications. Imagine being able to see the bag you're about to buy, for instance: (Magic Leap)

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Things you need to know about Magic Leap's mysterious new headset that cost $1.9 billion and 6 years to create Things you need to  know about Magic Leap's mysterious new headset that cost $1.9 billion and 6 years to create Reviewed by Olamikzysblog on December 28, 2017 Rating: 5

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